hj community

The Howard Jones Community consists of this website, Facebook, Twitter and the Official Newsletter subscribers. Since 1997, The Howard Jones website has been your hub for up to the minute information and Official announcements about Howard and his activities and It replaces what was The Howard Jones Fan Club, known as Risk.

In recent times, we have seen the explosion of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Howard is very active on Twitter and his Tweets are automatically posted to Facebook, so you have a medium for up to the second happenings, thoughts and comments direct from Howard himself.

Follow Howard on Instagram, X and Facebook by clicking the links here...

Official Newsletter:

If you wish to receive up to the minute news and info on Howard direct to your email mailbox, you can subscribe to the Official Howard Jones Mailing list. Just click the Mailing List link at the to left corner of this page, or the link below...

We hope that you would not want to unsubscribe, but should you need to, be it to change your email address or take a break, you will need to click the unsubscribe link at the foot of the Newsletter. This will result in your email address being removed from future mailings immediately, although you are free to subscribe again should you wish.

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